Tuesday 23 July 2013

choosing the right hyips

  1. HYIP is risky - most of these programs use Ponzi scheme, so once they will scam investors. So first decide whether you can afford to lose what you have invested. Remember: HYIP is not a charity, no one can guarantee that it will pay for a definite period of time.
  2. 2
    If you think that the possible profit is worth taking risk, then your next step is to find a reliable HYIP. For this you should visit HYIP monitor. HYIP monitor is a website that contains a list of HYIPs, there you can find detailed information about each program listed in it, its current investment status, also some HYIP monitoring websites offer to give you back the referral fee they receive from high yield investment program administrator.
  3. 3
    Next step is to determine whether HYIP is paying/makes selective payments/stopped paying. To check it, visit websites that contain the status of program on each HYIP monitor and visit HYIP forums to check the payout reports.You should also check the number the days that the site already ran as the lower the number of days,the higher the chances of earning a profit
  4. 4
    After Choosing a HYIP,create an account.Do not use password and login ID same as you eGold account,other HYIP account,email accounts and etc. This to prevent your other account from being hacked by the Admin,if he is sneaky enough.Use a different email address specially for registering HYIP sites,unless you want to get spammed.
  5. You will have to visit www.hyips.com and a list of hyips investor programme are made, the following sites  are use to check out hyip programme www.scamadviser.com and scamvoid.com

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